2024-11-25 8:42 PM
I see from the MX file for the display project for STM32U575ZI-Q with GFX02Z1 display to have following pins assigned. I have question on these pins objective and I have tried to explain my understanding. Please suggest if my understanding is correct or not.
- PE1: DMA Transfer
- PE13: LCD TE
- PF11: Render Time
- PF14: Frame Rate
LCD TE is used for synchronizing the Host MCU with LCD interface. When this pin is low, the LCD is in process of copying data from its GRAM to the LCD itself to show the frame buffer. When this pin goes high, the LCD has completed copying the data to its screen and the host MCU can now transfer the frame buffer from itself to the LCD GRAM. Correct?
Render Time and Frame Rate are just for a debug purpose where the 1st one is meant for showing the duration taken by TOuchGFX enginer to create a complet frame buffer based on the screen windget with help of DMA2D and the 2nd one is meant to show case how much frequently the Host MCU is updating the data to the LCD GRAM. Correct?
However, I have no idea on the purpose of DMA transfer here. Is it meant for a duratio DMA2D has taken to transfer the data from Host MCU framebuffer region to the LCD GRAM? Can you suggest?
2024-11-27 9:46 AM
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