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Problems with setup of STM32H753-EVAL2 Evaluation Board

Associate II

I'm trying to get the STM32H753-EVAL board to work.

- The power supply unit is connected, the demo software runs fine

- The board is connected to my PC via an USB cable ... an ST-Link Virtual COM port is visible in the device manager.

- In STM32CubeMX I selected the STM32H753I-EVAL2 board and generated a project for the Keil environment.

- I can compile the generated sources without errors.

When I try to upload, I get the following error messages:

Load "MPC_EVAL \\ MPC_EVAL.axf"

Erase Done.

Programming done.

Contents mismatch at: 08000300H (Flash = FFH Required = 52H)!

Contents mismatch at: 08000301H (Flash = FFH Required = 07H)!

Contents mismatch at: 08000302H (Flash = FFH Required = 28H)!


Flashing doesn't seem to work ... what can I do?

I need help urgently!

Many greetings


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

What is your Keil version?

Double check you have the most current MDK and H7 packs installed.

Make sure you have the right Flash Algorithm for the banking configuration the chip is in. ie try the one that's not the one currently selected.

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Associate II

Hello Pavel and Tesla,

thank you for your feedback.

  • I am using uVision V5.24.2.0 / MDK-Arm Essential Version 5.24.1
  • CubeMx is from today
  • The H7 packs are from today (downloaded automaticly at the first start of Keil after project generation with cubemx )
  • Programming Algorith is "STM32H7x_2048 . I think that matches with my evaluation board. Alternatives are from type "Ext Flash SPI" ...

Is my Keil is too old ? I would assume that the Keil version doesn't matter, am I wrong ?

Associate II

In fact, before I spend money on a new Keil environment, I would like to know that this definitely won't work with the old version.