2016-02-24 9:27 AM
I got some problem with STM Studio. I am working with gnu arm and System Workbench on a STM32F0. Debugging works everything is okay. Now I found STM Studio and I tried to use it. When I watch a incremented (step by step) uint8_t variable everything is okay. When I want to watch same with a uint16_t variable the endianess is wrong. I found in Release Notes of STM Studio that with release 3.1 there is an Enhancement that says ''Automatically compute the target endianess'' .... Anybody else having the same problem or alternatively can help me? Regards Joe #stm-studio2016-03-07 9:25 AM
This is a regression in version 3.5. A version 3.5.1 was recently posted fixing this. You may download it from # Currently the displayed version on the page is not accurate (ignore it) and the release notes are under update processing. But the binary is already available. Sorry for this issue.