2019-05-22 5:18 AM
Hello everyone!
I have some troubles with obtaining the correct IP address of my MCU.
I am running Nucleo F746ZG and I have set up LwIP stack with CubeMX. Also DHCP is turned on. DHCP server sets up "static" IP for my MCU which is I can send UDP packet and ping my MCU using this IP, but when i would like to get that address automatically from MCU perspective I am getting which is not correct.
I don't know what might be wrong. Perhaps some mismatch with endianess?
Here are most important bits of code.
void udpAPP_init(void)
err_t udpErr;
udpPcb1_p = udp_new();
if (udpPcb1_p != NULL)
udpErr = udp_bind(udpPcb1_p, gnetif.ip_addr.addr, 20);
udp_recv(udpPcb1_p , udp_raw_recv, udpPcb1_p);
size = sprintf(data, "Hello!\n\rHere's Nucleo F746ZG.\n\rUDP protocol status: enabled.\n\r");
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, data, size, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
memset(data, 0, 75);
if (udpErr == ERR_OK)
static void udp_raw_recv(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, struct ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port)
static struct pbuf *ethTxBuffer_p_x;
volatile char str_2[15];
memcpy(str_2, ipaddr_ntoa(ipaddr.addr), 15);
/* Sending the UDP reply. */
ethTxBuffer_p_x = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, sizeof(str_2), PBUF_RAM);
memcpy(ethTxBuffer_p_x->payload, str_2, sizeof(str_2));
if(ERR_OK == udp_sendto(udpPcb1_p, ethTxBuffer_p_x, addr, port))