2016-10-30 12:01 PM
Good day!
In datasheet DocID029041 Rev 3 for STM32F769:''1.1 Full compatibility throughout the familyThe STM32F765xx, STM32F767xx, STM32F768Ax and STM32F769xx devices are fully pin-to-pin, compatible with the STM32F4xxxx devices, allowing the user to try different peripherals, and reaching higher performances(higher frequency) for a greater degree of freedom during the development cycle.''''The STM32F76x LQFP144, LQFP176, LQFP208, TFBGA216, UFBGA176 packages are fully pin to pin compatible with STM32F4xx devices.''Thats all.But not write about version with DSI interface - pinout NOT compatable!2016-10-31 2:57 AM
Hi andrey.st,
Could you please precise were exactly you find incompatibility between F76x and F4x devices (regarding DSI)?Based on following and , pinouts are compatible for DSI (packages LQFP176 and TFBGA216).-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2016-10-31 5:43 AM
I had a situation when I wanted to replace STM32F429IIT6 on STM32F769IIT6 (faster clock speed, more memory, etc.)Read part 1.1 of the documentation where it says that:''The STM32F76x LQFP144, LQFP176, LQFP208, TFBGA216, UFBGA176 packages are fully pin to pin compatible with STM32F4xx devices.''However, this conclusion is erroneous because of the DSI unit.It would therefore be correct to specify in clause 1.1 of this nuance that mutually compatible only under the presence or absence of a DSI unit.Best regards, Andrey.