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PC Testing equipment for STM32 boards.

Associate III

I would like to test STM32F4/L4/H7 based boards with emulated testing software on a PC.

I need to test all standard serial communication protocols along with injecting external PPS or interrupt.

I need an PCI or USB adaptors or cards, and a software API / PC drivers in order to do that VIA PC.

Any suggestions?

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Get another STM32 board, connected to a PC via UART or USB or whatever.

Run the "host" side on it. No adapters, drivers, no headache.


You can use DISCO or NUCLEO boards to generate test patterns, pin or peripheral IO.

The board could have a GPS/GNSS to generate timing, if that's critical.

Use a serial protocol to drive the test sequences, or download vectors, etc.

Connect via COM/TTY, host side software can then be built with languages/tools of your choice.

Having buffering to protect the board. Consider a routing/mother board to host the card, and connect with wiring harnesses or pogo pins, etc.

Alternatives probably LabView or Advantech

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What is your opinion about these interface cards?

It can be used with LabView or with our own application.
