2020-12-22 03:33 PM
Ive setup PB6 as a GPIO_Output and Timer 16 and an input capture which uses PA6. It appears that if you set PA6 as an input capture it joins PA6 and PB6 internaly on the trace Chanel 0 is attached to PA6 Channel 2 is attached to PB3 (green LED) and Channel 3 is attached to PB6
2020-12-22 04:26 PM
STM32L432KB ? Please be specific about part and package
Did you solve your previous problem? https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000RShlHSAT/timer-16-interupt-not-trigering-on-a-stm32l432
2020-12-22 04:52 PM
Double check the Net List thoroughly. Significantly more likely that one of the schematic nodes got misnamed or connected.
Check as simple GPIO, one as an Input and the other as an Output
Check an unpopulated board for continuity.
2020-12-22 05:43 PM
Im using a nucleo-l432kc with an 3.3 v arduino generating a pulse stream connected to PA6 or pin A5 on the Nucleo board
2020-12-22 05:45 PM
Got the IRQ handler going by adding HAL_TIM_IC_Start_IT(&htim16, TIM_CHANNEL_1); in the main() function
2020-12-22 05:49 PM
Do you have the grounds commoned properly? Got some odd voltage levels on the traces.
2020-12-22 05:51 PM
Make sure solder bridge SB16 is removed.
2020-12-22 05:54 PM
2020-12-22 06:02 PM
Close examination of the schematic shows SB16 and SB 18 short PA6-PB6 and PA7-PB7 not sure what the purpose of the jumpers are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2020-12-22 07:23 PM
> not sure what the purpose of the jumpers are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If only there were some sort of manual that the user could find this information within...