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Not able to start. I d'loaded MDK529.exe , it is an icon on my desktop. I click on it hoping to run it but it gets me to another screen asking me to install. Is there a clear and comprehensive single set of instructions that actually work?

Associate II

Most of the links lead to nowhere i.e. 404 error


You've got a custom board, with random motors. No one here was involved in your design. I'm not sure this stuff is the trivial exercise you think it is.

If you want examples, perhaps look at ST provided board/motor combinations related to the STM32G4, and apply what you learn there to your specific case.

You should engage with ST Motor FAE's, perhaps they can suggest seminars or motor hack-fest type events, or suggest contractors for motor applications.

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Associate II

I was trying to understand the C code for Blinky but with limited success, may be need a refresher on C. Any suggestions welcome

> may be need a refresher on C. Any suggestions welcome

Would recommend to look at courses and articles of Jacob Beningo.

I like his style of explaining things.

And then, more tools and TDD:

-- pa

Associate II

Thanks, but looking for something quick; ordering and getting a book - 2 weeks? with this virus. Having trouble with this line:

tid_thrBUT = osThreadNew (thrBUT, NULL, NULL);

This virus time gives ideal chance to read a book.

Maybe he has some electronic format - pdf or doc ...

> Having trouble with this line:

 tid_thrBUT = osThreadNew (thrBUT, NULL, NULL);

This is a function call. osThreadNew is the function name. To the right of it are 3 parameters. To the left hand of it is the returned value.

-- pa

Associate II

Thanks. What do the 3 parameters signify

Associate II

I tried the book by Kerighan & Ritchie' it gave the foll ex.:

lower = 0;      /*  lower limit of temperature table * /

    upper = 300;    /*  upper limit * /

    step = 20;      /*  step size * /

Based on this the Blinky code should follow i.e. lower = thrBUT, upper = NULL, step = NULL but this does not make sense!

Any thoughts?

Associate II

Trying to use Keil for compiling my C program. As a start, I tried compiling the Blinky.c program done by Keil - no luck, although I didn't change anything, got 114 errors, tried another ex, same. So, something I am missing (as always!)

Chief II

> What do the 3 parameters signify

Are you incapable of even using Google?

But before even touching RTOS, you should learn the basics.

> I was trying to understand the C code for Blinky but with limited success, may be need a refresher on C. Any suggestions welcome

One can refresh only knowledge he already knows. In your case you must learn the C and MCUs. Probably the best tutorial to start with is this one: