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No timer interrrupt after switch to user application

sde c.1
Senior II

STM32G473VC, custom board.

I use an own bootloader which resides at address 0x00000000 , the user application resides at 0x00008000.

I did set external files correct to use the bootloader

in user application

system_stm32g4xx.c : #define VECT_TAB_OFFSET     0x00008000U 

STM32G473VCTX_FLASH.ld : FLASH  (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x8008000,  LENGTH = 220K

in bootload application

STM32G473VBTX_FLASH.ld : FLASH  (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x8000000,  LENGTH = 32K

in bootloader we use this code to jump to the user application

void deinitEverything()
	//-- reset peripherals to guarantee flawless start of user application
	SysTick->CTRL = 0;
	SysTick->LOAD = 0;
	SysTick->VAL = 0;
static void jumpToApp(const uint32_t address)
	const JumpStruct* vector_p = (JumpStruct*)address;
	/* let's do The Jump! */
    /* Jump, used asm to avoid stack optimization */
    asm("msr msp, %0; bx %1;" : : "r"(vector_p->stack_addr), "r"(vector_p->func_p));

In user application we use this code to jump to bootloader


timer 7 is used as Timebase Source, FreeRTOS is also running.

We used this bootloader setup successfully in many other projects , but in this one the timer 7 interrupt stops interrupting if we jump to bootload code and back to user application.

This cause HAL_IncTick() not getting called, and uwTick staying at 0 . Which cause HAL_MspInit() ... HAL_SYSCFG_EnableVREFBUF() run in an endless loop.

The only different with other projects is that we use SPI in this bootloader to bootload , where we use UART in all other projects.

I checked the timer 7 registers which seems all fine .

0693W00000KZvjDQAT.pngthe strange thing is that both bootloader and user application runs correctly after a reset or power down - up cycle. Bootloader starts first and starts user application which runs fine. But when i use (SPI) commands to switch to bootloader and back to user application, then the TMR7 interrupt stops working.

What else can i check to find out why timer 7 is not firing an interrupt?


Accepted Solutions

i have removed __disable_irq which i have added the past days in the bootloader code while i was searching for a solution... now it works.

i don't understand 100% why, i guess i need more knowledge about the STM32 NVIC interrupt system to know whats going on. But good documentation about this part is hard to get .

anyway , Thank you for assisting !

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Do you set SCB->VTOR to the correct value within your application? Are interrupts enabled globally? Is the timer's NVIC interrupt enabled?

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SCB->VTOR shows the expected 0x8008000 in debugger.

interrupts are enabled in NVIC settings

as a test i have added this code in the beginning of the user application, which did not help.

int main(void)
  /* USER CODE END 1 */

sde c.1
Senior II

i've read all i can about NVIC and have found some extra information trough debugger.

The moment the interrupts are not firing NVIC_ISER1 has value 0x800100, which means EXTI15_10_IRQn and TIM7_DAC_IRQn interrupts are activated. While timer 7 DIER and CR1 registers are also correctly initialized .

The NVIC_ICER1 contains the same value.

NVIC ISPR1 and ICPR1 (pending set and reset) contains also set bits, while these are all 0 when everything works fine. Can that be the cause no interrupts are fired?

I did not find a way to reset these registers at the start of the user application.

I found out no interrupt at all is fired while i EXTI interrupts and TMR7 should interrupt. Is there a register which can block all interrupts?

__enable_irq() and __disable_irq() will globally control interrupts.
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sde c.1
Senior II

can't find whats wrong, __enable_irq() at the first line of main, does not help neither. Timer is activated and interrupt tmr7 is enabled in timer 7 registers.

the NVIC registers are the same compared with a working version.

What else is needed to execute an interrupt ? All registers looks correct, but there comes no signal handler ....

Read out SBC_ICSR and check/post.



Are you jumping to the app from within an interrupt? If so, it's still in the interrupt so others won't fire unless they have higher priority.

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this was the case, i have changed the code now so i jump to application when no interrupt is serving, but the outcome is the same

It's a state machine, gotta be an answer somewhere. Interrupts don't stop firing for no reason, we've covered all the possible reasons above.
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