2024-03-16 10:33 AM
While older MCU needed an EXTI line enabled to allow RTC alarm to wake up the CPU from Stop, for STM32U5 both RCC->APB3SMENR (11.8.44) and RCC->SRDAMR (11.8.45) mention a requirement to allow the RTC lto wake up from Stop modes. No further explanation is given in RM0456 Rev 5 oa AN4759 Rev9.
Please explain and update in the documentation.
2024-03-16 11:26 AM
Dear @Uwe Bonnes ,
in Our STM32U5 Ultra low power MCUs , we introduced « Smart Run Domain » to keep peripherals active and able to Operate . This was not the case in older series . For more details here are some Online Trainings :
Hope it helps ,
2024-03-17 6:46 AM
How to find those trainings?
A search "rtc online training" on the ST website gives 97 results, mostely named "STM32XX online training". To scan for a fitting hit istedious!
2024-10-23 3:15 PM
RTCAPBAMEN and friends has still low visability in the documentation. Please enhance the visability, I wasted again a lot of time to find out. unfortunatelly thie post does not contain the keyword "wake" I searched for 8-)