2023-02-26 1:42 PM
Dear ST community Hello,
I want to use the gyro-meter on the the STM32F discovery board and communicate on SPI,
I am using the default configuration with cubeIDE and I have a question in Cude Mx graphical interface.
After generating the code using Cube IDE, I could see the the MISO MOSI and clock are available in the SPI section but not the CS.
I could not understand this because normally each SPI has a CS pin even if the Slave selection is automatic.
The second thing I could not understand the hardware input output NSS that we could select from the top of the SPI Mode and configuration.
Could you help me clarify these points please,
Thank you in advance,
2023-02-26 2:41 PM
Given the awkward way the STM32 SPI deals with CS/NSS pins, most just use an arbitrary GPIO
In newer iterations it has the I3G4250D
In older ones L3GD20