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MCU failure analysis


I have a pile of boards with STM32F303RCT7 MCU that are pulling a ton of current, i.e. they are fried.

I tried VI curve analysis but I'm not finding anything that leads me to why they blew up.

Can anyone suggest a good failure analysis lab that I can send the dead parts to?


Perhaps you can connect with your local support office, or FAE, to review your design and it's vulnerabilities.

Most likely due to conduction paths you've created through the IC and it's pins, and external circuits you've connected things too.

Look at supplies and LDO pins.

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Lead II

Can't suggest a lab but perhaps something to try before that.

Remove some of the dead chips from their board, and grab a few new/working chips from somewhere.

Use a multimeter in diode mode to get some typical readings for any pins of interest (positive probe on GND, negative on pin). There's a good chance you'll find that the typical readings for the dead chips form one cluster, and the working chips form another, for some specific pin(s), but are comparable for the rest. If you're lucky, the pins you identify as "affected" together with your schematic might give you a big hint about what went wrong.


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