2020-01-23 01:18 PM
I make a 32 bit timer by to 16 bit timer3(master) & timer4(slave)
Now I want my timer count antil 150000 (for example)
How to get 150000 in two TIM3->ARR & TIM4->ARR register??
Does it have a special formula?
this number (150000) isn't fixed.
I have a lot of 32 bit different number that they sound set for my 32 bit timer (TIM3->ARR & TIM4->ARR). So I have to use a function that set TIM3->ARR & TIM4->ARR value Given different input numbers
2020-01-28 05:54 AM
I using stm32f429 that has 2 32bit timer but I need 3 or more 32 bit timer.