2015-04-16 5:46 AM
Hi, I'm using an stm32f072 part, trying to toggle 8 GPIO pins with DMA from memory.
The DMA is plugged to a Timer (2) update event which has 48MHz using HSI48 (no crystal for now). I have two issues currently : - HSI48 seems to take a long time starting (well, registers say it starts quite fast but if I don't want a fault on GPIO setup I need to setup an empty loop (like for (volatile i=0;i<1000;i++); ) . Is this expected or is there an issue ? For space reasons I'm using CMSIS directly. But this one is not blocking. - I achieve to output around 8MHz toggle speed (not exact value), but if I reduce the ARR value of Timer2, the GPIO toggle speed don't seem to be less than that. Is it actually possible to toggle GPIOs with DMA faster than that ? Would 12MHz be possible (chip main clock is 48MHz) ? Is there something to be wary of (using HSI, HSE ; different DMA event ... ) ? I can post the init code (CMSIS) if needed. thanks a lot for your help, I tried to scout google and rereading the refman with no luck. Any ideas ? #gpio #dma #stm32f02015-04-16 7:31 AM
but if I reduce the ARR value of Timer2, the GPIO toggle speed don't seem to be less than that.
Sorry, clarification : I cannot get speed higher than 8MHz approx, even if I get the ARR value lower (and thus UP events from the timer to the DMA more frequently).
2015-04-16 7:56 AM
> I cannot get speed higher than 8MHz approx,
That's 3 cycles per pins' state change/DMA transfer - one cycle source read, one cycle target write, one cycle arbitration/housekeeping/whatever. I wouldn't expect less. JW2015-04-16 8:31 AM
Thanks for your answer.
I don't understand, because: - if the main clock is 48MHz, 3 cycles would be 16MHz; - 4 cycles is 12MHz (my goal). - We're talking about 8MHz here, so it's 6 cycles. Can I expect less ?2015-04-16 8:37 AM
If Google doesn't give you answers sometimes you need to be a pioneer.
At some point you'll saturate the processor, and it won't do any useful work, consider a more appropriate solutions/parts.Consider if a mem-to-mem DMA works without a timer, or what a tight loop outputting alternating data, this should get you an upper limit on what might be possible.2015-04-16 8:39 AM
(dupe, sorry)
2015-04-16 8:46 AM
> If Google doesn't give you answers sometimes you need to be a pioneer.
sure, I just wanted to stress that I did my homework (sort of)
>At some point you'll saturate the processor, and it won't do any useful work, consider a more appropriate solutions/parts. does the DMA not leave some bus bandwith free for the CPU ? >Consider if a mem-to-mem DMA works without a timer, or what a tight loop outputting alternating data, this should get you an upper limit on what might be possible. Ah yes. I didn't realize that Mem2Mem DMA could work with GPIO.2015-04-16 9:08 AM
> I don't understand
f=1/period period consists of TWO transitions JW2015-04-16 9:29 AM
> If Google doesn't give you answers sometimes you need to be a pioneer.
sure, I just wanted to stress that I did my homework (sort of)
It was more of a suggestion to pull up your sleeves and figure it out.Some time the available examples and documentation fail to illustrate all outcomes, at that point you need to infer information, and test the physical limits manually.Timers always half things from the get-go.M2M may be an option, I'm not using these parts.2015-04-17 5:37 AM
> It was more of a suggestion to pull up your sleeves and figure it out.
Ah yes, which is where I'm stuck at 8Mhz on a 48MHz with a DMA .. aiming at 12.
With a cortex M4 @168 I can do 26MHz (tested), and I guess you could go further. (Overclocking does not seem to work at all). > Timers always half things from the get-go. OK, but it does not seem to be the issue since I can change ARR from 4 to 6 and it does not change the output frequency, that's what was curious for me. I understand being limited by a rate but there it seems the timer frequency cannot be below a certain limit ?? > M2M may be an option, I'm not using these parts. I tried M2M, but it does not seem to improve things - I need to re-check however, and bitbanging with CPU . Well if it does not work I could also go with a 302@72MHz or 100MHz chip ... if it changes anything : I found this :https://vjordan.info/log/fpga/stm32-bare-metal-start-up-and-real-bit-banging-speed.html
, but he only seems to get 3.6MHz on a 72MHz chip which I find strange.