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Posted on April 16, 2015 at 14:46Hi, I'm using an stm32f072 part, trying to toggle 8 GPIO pins with DMA from memory. The DMA is plugged to a Timer (2) update event which has 48MHz using HSI48 (no crystal for now). I have two issues currently : - HS...
Posted on January 26, 2013 at 16:19Hi all, I've had great difficulties setting up my own STM32F405 board and having it actually run, but finally I've succeeded booting it and programming it from my stm32f4Discovery. However I have a very strange b...
Posted on September 14, 2012 at 14:29 I'm working on a project on a STM32F4 CPU, generating signals (VGA) with DMA. I have a generic timer on CPU clock (no prescaler) on a STM32 triggering interrupts on overflow, to generate a periodic signal ...