2023-12-11 12:44 PM
I am using a Nucleo-h743ZI2 and would like to enable Ethernet with LWiP module. I have started with the "How to create project for STM32H7 with Ethernet and LwIP stack working" guide. I am using, with a few modifications as possible, the STM32H743_Nucleo_ETH example found here: https://github.com/stm32-hotspot/STM32H7-LwIP-Examples. I can build, download and execute successfully, but cannot ping the Nucleo. When I ping I get the following:
I have included a WireShark trace. I can see some activity from the Nucleo, but am not sure if it is operating correctly. I have tried the ping from a home computer with all firewalls disabled with the same result. So, I guess I have two questions:
2023-12-11 1:05 PM
Also, using RMII.
2023-12-12 3:53 AM
First try the example provided natively in STM32CubeH7 under the path Projects\NUCLEO-H743ZI\Applications\LwIP\LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS,
then it depends on the "few modifications" you inserted into the project.
2023-12-19 3:50 PM
OK, I got the example you suggested to build, download and execute. It seems it is running (see WireShark trace), but still does not respond to a ping (see attached text file showing "ipconfig", "arp -a" and "ping" commands. The WireShark trace was produced by connecting the Ethernet cable to the Nucleo.