2012-07-09 7:40 PM
I noticed that a new package; the LQFP-32 (0.8mm pitch) is listed in the filter panel for the STM232F0 http://www.st.com/internet/mcu/subclass/1588.jsp . No further information is available. Is this package listing a sign of things to come ? or is it an error?
#stm32f0-lqfp-32-lqfp-322013-03-06 1:37 PM
The LQFP-32 packaging for the stm32F0 has been advertised for months now on the ST site and in the STM32F0 datasheets. Yet I still do not see them available from any distributor. Does anyone know if these packages will see the light of day?
Thanks2013-05-05 9:29 AM
The STM52F051 is available in LQFP32. In case you are referring to the STM32F050, only the QFN32 is available for now. We are currently deploying the various possible variants of the family, a LQFP32 will surely be available down the road. The STM32F051 is the best approaching reference for now..