2020-04-01 07:31 AM
Hi, bom dia.
I need to use LPTIM as a pulse counter in stm32L431. I created a project using stm32cubeIDE and start only the necessary to test the LPTIM, but when i call HAL_LPTIM_Counter_Start() or HAL_LPTIM_Counter_Start_IT() never return HAL_OK. I have tested change all configurations, but dont work. Please help me, thanks.
Mode: standalone : counts external clock events
LPTIM_HandleTypeDef hlptim1;
static void MX_LPTIM1_Init(void);
if (HAL_LPTIM_Counter_Start_IT(&hlptim1, 1000) != HAL_OK){
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, (uint8_t*)"error\n", 6,HAL_MAX_DELAY);
2020-04-01 07:34 AM
HAL_LPTIM_Init(&hlptim1) return HAL_OK