2020-10-13 06:27 AM
I am looking for board which support 32bit data size in SPI Mode. I found NUCLEO-H743ZI2(https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/nucleo-h743zi.html) development board but not very clear that it will support 32bit data size in SPI Mode or not. As per board datasheet(https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/datasheet/group3/23/be/db/eb/29/39/4b/eb/DM00387108/files/DM00387108.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00387108.pdf) "Three standard I2S interfaces (multiplexed with SPI1, SPI2 and SPI3) are available. They can be operated in Master or Slave mode, in Simplex communication modes, and can be configured to operate with a 16-/32-bit resolution as an input or output channel".
Kindly request you to please confirm that this NUCLEO-H743ZI2 development board will support 32bit data size in SPI mode? If not kindly please
suggest any other available development board which support 32bit data size in SPI mode.
Pankaj Pandey
2020-10-13 08:16 AM
Usually this is not an issue since you can simply send multiple bytes to get a 32-bit frame. But yes, this can operate in native 32-bit frame by configuring SPI_CFG1_DSIZE appropriately.
The reference manual is a better source of information about how the peripherals operate than the datasheet.
2020-10-13 11:11 PM
Thank you for quick response and update. I will go through the datasheet, for NUCLEO-H743ZI2 I am reading SPI demo example from this link(https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeH7/blob/master/Projects/NUCLEO-H743ZI/Examples/SPI/SPI_FullDuplex_ComPolling/Src/main.c) where I found SPI data size is set for 8bit (SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT). Now I want to test this demo program for 32bit , for that I need to change this macro from 8bit to 32bit(SPI_DATASIZE_32BIT). So now question is this that above change is enough to test SPI demo program for 32bit data size ? or any further changes are require to test 32bit data size ?
Pankaj Pandey
2020-10-14 06:27 AM
I would imagine that would change the frame size, but other changes to the transmit and receive function would be needed to ensure your buffers do not overrun.