2025-02-07 4:31 AM
I am using STM32CubeIDE version 1.17.0 and trying to develop a custom board using X-CUBE-DISPLAY with a graphics display using the ST7789V controller. This is a design update for a previous board that was using a 7-segment LCD display. I have a preliminary version of my software running on a NUCLEO-G071RB (with external flash disabled) as a proof of concept.
When I open my .ioc file and select Manage Software Packs, it shows X-CUBE-DISPLAY as installed, versions 1.0.0 up to 3.0.0, but they are all marked with a red cross. Hovering the mouse on 3.0.0 shows "This version of the pack is not compatible with the current version of STM32CubeIDE. It is compatible with STM32CubeIDE from 1.11.0 to 1.12.1". Earlier versions show correspondingly early versions of the IDE. Version 1.12.1 or earlier is no longer available on the STM32CubeIDE download page.
Does this mean support for X-CUBE-DISPLAY is discontinued, or is the message just wrong? Is there any alternative software for entry-level graphics using SPI, that will fit in on-chip memory on a 64-pin device? I tried using TouchGFX but it was way too bloated to be useable in this application.
Opening the .ioc file with the latest STM32CubeMX gives a similar message, however the required version of MX (6.8.1) is still available
2025-02-10 2:42 AM - edited 2025-02-10 2:43 AM
Hello @TJack.2 ,
TouchGFX is usable with the STM32G071RB, we even have a couple of TBS for it :
You will definitely be limited with such board but it is possible to use TouchGFX, we just recommend to not use any RTOS.
If you really want to use X-Cube, perhaps you can set it up manually (not through STM32CubeMX) : https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/x-cube-display.html#get-software
"I have a preliminary version of my software running on a NUCLEO-G071RB" what do you have? I did not understand what you have done yet. SO far you have just done the project with the 7 segments screen, not with the ST7789V screen right?
Also, I think that you could get more help if this question was on the STM32CubeMX page instead of the TouchGFX/GUI page.
2025-02-10 5:56 AM
My question is about STCubeIDE, not stand-alone MX. With MX I can still download an old version that is compatible with X-CUBE-DISPLAY, but even the oldest available version of IDE claims not to be compatible, although I don't know what the issues any, if any.
With regard to my projects, yes I have made my preliminary program work on the NUCLEO with its external Flash memory. I don't aim to use external memory on my final product as I don't intend to use images. However if I delete the images and associated application software in the ST examples for TOUCHGFX and disable the external memory, the compilation overflows the available flash (at 170k, before addition of another 30k of my own application software). Doing the same thing with X-CUBE-DISPLAY comes in at around 30k.
My preliminary program consists of some text and basic shapes on the screen as a proof-of-concept, which I have successfully tested on NUCLEO-G071 with both TOUCHGFX and X-CUBE-DISPLAY.
My target processor is STM32H503 as my application needs USB-Device. That gives me a Flash budget of 128k. I have no need of any 3rd party RTOS.
This is background information to explain my position. I reiterate that my question is whether or not ST intend to produce a version of X-CUBE-DISPLAY that is officially compatible with the latest version of STCubeIDE, as the current version isn't.