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Keil MDK-ARM V4.14.4.0 return error 65: access violation

ST Employee
Posted on January 28, 2011 at 10:39


I try to debug and simulate the discover project on MDK-ARM evaluation IDE.

I have no hardware. So i just want to test debug and simulation.

Here below the error message after build and start debug:

Running with Code Size Limit: 32K

Load ''C:\\USERS\\MyDev\\STM\\STM32VL-Discovery\\STM32VLDiscovery_Project\\Project\\Demo\\MDK-ARM\\Debug\\DISCOVER.AXF''

*** Restricted Version with 32768 Byte Code Size Limit

*** Currently used: 2020 Bytes (6%)



, 1

*** error 65: access violation at 0x0000000C : no 'read' permission

*** error 65: access violation at 0x00000000 : no 'execute/read' permission

Can you help me.



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Posted on September 12, 2011 at 22:12

good news.


I try to simul discovery exemple after select stm32f103RB device ,it 's ok


so stm32f100rb don't work in simulator.why???


Which version of the software are you using, it is not clear from your posts? Keil's at V4.21 currently, right?

And why would one bother with simulation if you have a physical VL-Discovery board in front of you? Simulators are notoriously problematic when it comes to peripherals, and the bulk of C code can be tested independently of hardware, simulated or otherwise.

If you have a problem with the Keil software, you'll need to address that with your Keil support representative, ST is not responsible for the uVision IDE and associated tools.
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Associate III
Posted on September 13, 2011 at 10:48

Thank you for your help.

I going to ask keil for simulator's problemes.

( I have not receved   my discovery board , french post is not very  quickly.)

thanks .

ST Employee
Posted on September 13, 2011 at 11:26

Chip stm32100rb peripherals are not supported by Keil software simulator.

See this link:

So, yo need effectively to select stm32f103rb for simulate your application and change to 100rb for download and debug session.


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Associate II
Posted on September 18, 2011 at 18:23

Unfortunately none of stm32f100xxx software simulation is supported by KEIL. However simulation in IAR works fine.

Posted on October 18, 2011 at 15:33


I had the same problem and now i change to STM32F103RB in place of 100RB for simulation and go back to 100RB for debuging and load.

the µvision 4 compiler and debuger has also an other problem, if you want to load the soft in the apllication board you have to pass in debug mode for loading the soft in the board because in editing mode there is no erase and program job.

-> with this 2 little problem is this compilateur better that IAR or attolic solution ?

what do you think about the best compilator for STM32 device?

Posted on October 18, 2011 at 17:04

That limitation only appears to be an issue with the ST-LINK driver and the integration thereof. The J-Link and U-Link solutions work just fine in both Debug and Flash->Download scenarios.

Evaluate all the tools and make your own choice. It's mostly a matter of personal taste and familiarity. Consider Rowley.

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