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Is there a dual core Discovery board (already)


I would like to play with a dual core STM32F

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

There is a H745 Disco available. I do not know of a STM32F dual core.


Aha, STM32F != STM32H. I meant any multicore Discovery boards.

Chief II

So You know that there are no STM32Fxxx dual core MCU, but are asking for "dual core board"? :)

The STM32H745I-DISCO board is available, have a handful here.

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Thanks. Digikey does not list it yet. I'll have to wait a little bit more, I think. Ànd If I understood your post you linked correctly it is also a little immature.

I was asking any multicore board, no matter what's it's name or number of cores(as long it is more than one).

Well support is going to be a heavy lift.

The H747I-DISCO I have was built almost a year ago. The V-step silicon is now available and offering 480MHz M7, 240MHz M4

The NUCLEO-H743ZI2 is now available using the V-step silicon, and I expect the H745XI version to be available very soon. This board has the ST-LINK/V3

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​Interesting that the STM32H747 is revision V. The STM32H743 is revision V also.

Is that a coincidence or are the STM32H743 and STM32H747 the same die?