2013-11-10 6:59 AM
Hello ST Community,
I plan to connect a uSD card with my STM32F207 using the SDIO 4 bit bus interface and Chan's FATFS. Searching on the forums I've encountered a few problems with the code provided in the Standard Peripherals Library regarding the incompability with >4 GB cards, however these problems were reported on 2011 and the latest code dates from March 2012 as shown here: * @file stm322xg_eval_sdio_sd.c * @author MCD Application Team * @version V5.0.3 * @date 09-March-2012 * @brief This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the SDIO SD * Card memory mounted on STM322xG-EVAL evaluation board. At the moment I can't test this with hardware so I've been lurking the code for a while and I haven't found anything that suggests me this bug has been fixed. Before attempting to fix it myself I would like to ask if I missed something and the bug is really fixed, because it seems a bit odd to me that this issue hasn't been resolved when it has been reported a year prior to it's release, and I've also checked the release notes and I haven't found anything other than the generic 'Bug Fixes' statement. Thanks in advance! #sdio-4gb-4bits-issue-bug-fatfs2013-11-10 7:13 AM
ST's solution is to extend byte addressing variables to 64-bit. Block devices are accessed at a block level, and thus there are needless conversions back and forth.
2013-11-11 2:47 AM
True, I re-checked the libraries again and I just noticed on the release notes .html the utilities directory this issue was fixed the way you mentioned, I guess I've missed it but all in all my issue is resolved.
I will see if this solution is viable with my project and in case it isn't I will attempt to fix it by myself, I've read on some other thread you patched some Discovery libraries to make it work with >4 GB cards so I already got a good start point ;).