2010-06-27 7:08 AM
Internal Serial Bootloader not working anymore
2011-05-17 4:56 AM
I don't know what is your version of STM32 but if is STM32F105/STM32F107 and yout device date code is below 937 you must read the Errata Sheet 15866 at point 2.16 here is the answer for you.
Also in STM3210C-EVAL diode D1 is not connected right, you must turn it, i think. Bye2011-05-17 4:56 AM
I'm not using the STM3210C-EVAL board, but I'm using a board with a STM32F103RET6.
But the serial programming have worked before!
2011-05-17 4:56 AM
Do you have a STM3210E board? That has switches for BOOT0 for BOOT1.
2011-05-17 4:56 AM
No, I have the board from Futurlec, but it has also a switch for both BOOT0 and BOOT1! And I have never changed the BOOT1 position!
2011-05-17 4:56 AM
In this case verify the switchers and the RS232 Transciever, they can be burned out. For the transciever you can verify using the STM32 USART example with hyperterminal. For the switchers, check the state of the pin directly on the micro. Some other options: - You can load a code into flash that jumps directly to Bootloader (there ars some posts about this topic you'll find a ready to use code). - You can verify the System memory is OK by reading it (you should see some thing like 0x2000ZZZ, 0x1FFFFZZZ at the first two addresses, for the rest, you may ask for someone to provide you with dumped bootloader binary that you could compare with yours). But I don't think it is an interesting option.2011-05-17 4:56 AM
Hi everybody,
I'm using STM32F103RC on a breakout board I made. I tried to flash it with Flash Loader Demonstrator, using UART1 and USB-RS232 cables, but I couldn't connect it, the message is always: ''Unrecognized device... Please, reset your device then try again''! It's like 1 success in 100 times! I tried with different cables using TUSB3410, FTDI232, and PL2303, and they are all the same. But it works very well with COM1 on my desktop: can always connect all the times! Does anybody have the same problem? Do you have any recommendation for me? If I can't use USB cable, then I have to work on the desktop. It's quite inconvenient. But a USB JTAG is too expensive, and using Wiggler on parallel port is quite the same with using COM port! Thanks for your help, Dinh2011-05-17 4:56 AM
Perhaps you have a problem with your power supply, or your CMOS-to-RS232 voltage conversion circuits.
At least with JTAG (USB/Parallel) you could debug the system. Also consider the VL Discovery board, it has a STM32F100 series part and an ST ST-LINK USB JTAG built in for $10 USD2011-05-17 4:56 AM
Hi Clive,
Thanks for your advice. I have found the problem finally. Yes, the problem is at the RS232-TTL level converter. When I use my cable, there are 2 MAX232 used: (USB => UART => MAX232) => MAX232 => STM32. But when I use with COM1 directly, there is only 1 MAX232. That's why it works well. I tried to connect directly with FT232, and it works perfectly! I will continue with this. About the discovery board, yes, I know it's really a good price, but the shipment cost to my place is unaffordable, maybe double or triple! Thanks, Dinh