2021-11-27 4:18 AM
I want to interface Stm32 MCU with a NXP MCU over SPI protocol.
Does anyone have done that before?? If yes can you please tell me how it can be done? I have already used St and nxp mcus separately and now my application requires both of them together. I have already selected the mcus, but dont know how to interface them. Any steps to do it would be appreciated.
2021-11-27 6:09 AM
>>Does anyone have done that before??
Well SPI has been in existence for several decades, so yes I'd expect to MCU to MCU action has been done before.
Seems like college level interfacing material.
STM32 and NXP are overly broad designations.
Which one do you consider the master, and which the slave?
The master generates the clock and the chip selection.
What speed do you propose? What kind of volume of data? Is the volume balanced in each direction?
Why SPI, and not something asymmetrical like UART, or more modern like CAN ?
2021-11-28 9:08 PM
nxp master and stm32 slave.
i'm going to use this in my rfid project.
basically i want to interface rc663 mcu of nxp with stm32 mcu (most probably stm32f series)
2021-12-09 12:58 AM
@Community member Any idea on how to do it?
I am relatively new to this kind of interfacing. Any help will be really helpful.
2021-12-09 10:24 AM
The CLRC633 / CLRC66303HN? or what exactly? https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/CLRC663.pdf
This seems the least capable device, expecting the STM32 to be the host/master. What MCU is it using?
2021-12-09 10:46 PM
We will be using CLRC663 ( https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/CLRC663.pdf ). I haven't decided which STM32 to use (mostly going with STM32F series). What will be good way to go about it? STM32 to be master or CLRC663 to be master?? I was thinking clrc663 to be master.
2021-12-10 7:58 PM
The slave will require interrupts, so choose the mcu you feel most comfortable coding with.