2021-03-04 4:04 AM
I am trying to interface Stm32f407board with cjmcu2551 transceiver with tcan1051V module and stm32f091cct6.the clock rate for both controllers(APB1 for CAN=25Mhz) with prescalar=5, time segment1=8 and time segment 2=1 with baud rate 500kbps. i am not able to get CAN communcaition between two. but when 2 stm32f407and mcp2551 transceiver with the same configuration is workling fine. I am using 2 functions HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback and HAL_CAN_TxMailbox0CompleteCallback for transmission and reception. i feel that nothing happening on stm32f091 can side. please suggest solutions. thanks
2021-03-04 4:37 AM
Some formatting would make the post more readable.
Having a proper termination resistor added ?
Are there signals visible on the bus ?
Are the connections (CanH,CanL) correct ? Have you tried to swap ?
Does the error counter on the sending node go up ?
2021-03-04 5:00 AM
Sorry for the formatting
Yes there are 120ohm termination on both ends
No signals are visible on the bus
Yes CANH and CANL are connected with 2 modules(not interchanged)
how can I check the error counter ?
2021-03-04 6:15 AM
CAN peripherals require a transmit and a receive error counter, according to the standard.
They are usually available in the CAN peripheral status registers.
I didn't work with STM32 CAN lately, only MCUs from other vendors.
After a certain amount of successive fails, a node goes from error_active into error_passive mode, or bus_off mode.
Are the static levels correct if both boards are connected ?
Have you tried to connect them directly, i.e. bypassing the transceivers ?
Only watch out for proper power supply, best option is to supply both boards from the same supply in this case.