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Infrequently getting UNALIGNED HardFault

Associate III

Hello There,

I'm working on a FREERTOS based STM32H7A3 application.
Upon debugging, my code randomly halts on UNALIGNED hardfault. The occurrence of this fault condition is very rare. During my testing in the last 30days, I ran into this for nearly 3 times with no clue of the source of this fault.

Attaching some screenshots from the last debug session.

Call Stack



Fault Analyzer



FreeRTOS Task List


I also noticed in the FreeRTOS Task List, some Event Objects (marked in RED) showing corrupted addresses.


FreeRTOS Semaphores


I also noticed some unwanted characters present at the end of Semaphore name. It must be "appSysTaskInit" (Marked in Red).


Memory Area (Flash.ld)

  ITCMRAM (xrw)  : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 64K
  FLASH (rx)     : ORIGIN = 0x08020000, LENGTH = 960K
  DTCMRAM1 (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 64K
  DTCMRAM2 (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20010000, LENGTH = 64K
  DISP_FB (rw)   : ORIGIN = 0x24000000, LENGTH = 150K
  RAM (xrw)      : ORIGIN = 0x24025800, LENGTH = 874K
  RAM_CD (xrw)   : ORIGIN = 0x30000000, LENGTH = 128K
  RAM_SRD (xrw)  : ORIGIN = 0x38000000, LENGTH = 32K


Thanks for taking time to read this post.

Any help is appreciated to get to know the source of the fault.


Keshav Aggarwal






Probably going to want to check the flow dynamics immediately prior to the failures, try to understand some commonality in the behavior. 

Would suggest adding some sanity checking of the impacted structures so you can quickly see when things start to go wrong. Might occur more often, and then just faults when doing 64-bit LDRD / STRD against misaligned pointers.

Using DMA or Invalidate DCache operations?

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Thanks for your reply!
Yes, I'm using DMA & Invalidate DCache operations. DMA being used continuously to transfer the pixels to Display frame buffer. (Frame Buffer is residing in Internal RAM) 

DISP_FB (rw)   : ORIGIN = 0x24000000, LENGTH = 150K

I'm also attaching .ioc file if you want to have a look.
