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Associate II

I am trying to read the value from the INA186A3IDCKR current integrated circuit using the ADC2_INO channel on the stm32f103c8t6 microprocessor. My ADC channel is connected to the Vout section. When I examined the datasheet, I did not come across a formulation, but I want to use the adc value Vout I read in the formulation I will find.
Can you help me?
(Below is the usage of the integrated circuit)



So reviewing the data sheets.

The GAIN is 100, your Rsense is not specified

If VS connects to VREF+ an ADC reading of 4095 is that voltage

Voltage across IN pins will be (ADCVALUE / 4096.0) * (VREF / 100.0)

The voltage drop across Rsense relates to current using Ohm's Law

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When I apply this formulation, the adc value changes, but the Vout value is read as 0, so the current value is also 0. Is there a library I should add to perform the calculations that I missed?

 Actually, Vref doesn't connection Vss.

Principal II

I think Tesla means the MCU's VREF+ pin, where's that connected?

Maybe you should start checking with a DMM:

- is there some current through the sense resistor?

- what's the output voltage of the INA? That should be V(INA) = I * Rsense * 100

If that's working, then you can work on the ADC stuff.


Depending on the parts and pins these may be internally bonded, or need to be externally.

The analogue supply is used for the POR, VCO/PLL, ADC and DAC.

There's VREFINT which is an internal 1.2V reference you can use to calibrated the ADC / external supply

I'm not familiar with your design beyond what you've shared here.

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