2022-09-12 3:50 AM
In stm32g030f6p6 I have programmed first time the code is uploaded successfully and working and I tried to dump program second time it says ": Error: Activating device KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial port configuration. Reset your device then try again "how to fix this issue. I have tried by pressing reset switch and its not even connecting to the MCU. I have tried both using through TTL as well as ST link programmer/debugger. I cant able to connect as well as I cant able to erase the code which I have uploaded first time please help me to rectify this problem. and help me to connect to the device
2022-09-12 5:54 AM
Your code likely interferes with the pins used by the debug interface or powers down.
Make sure you have a slight delay before running or changing configuration to give debugger a window to connect. Perhaps recognize a pin indicating it should be in a safe / programmable mode?
NRST should connect to the debugger.
Use BOOT0, or related options, so the device will boot into the ROM based System Loader.
2022-09-12 10:30 PM
THANK YOU SIR for your kind reply. I have tried this method but still the same error pop's up.
is there any other method to solve this error