2019-09-04 5:03 AM
2019-09-04 5:10 AM
If "data send only", simply ignore the OVR and RXNE bits.
2019-09-04 5:29 AM
I did not code anything for the OVR and RXNE . Also my slave is not received any data from the master ( I used STM as a master and arduino as a salve)
2019-09-04 5:38 AM
You do not "enable" this bits.
They are just status flags showing you the state of the peripheral. With SPI, a send-only will defiitely have both flags set eventually, because the associated states occur.
2019-09-04 9:07 PM
Then what should be the possible error for that because I am a begginear in ST so please help me also I wrote the complete code my self I don not use HAL library or STM cube mx if you required the code for reference i will send you
2019-09-04 10:27 PM
Separate sentences would be easier to digest and comprehend.
> Then what should be the possible error for that ...
If the communications works, you need nothing to do.
These flags are just set in the process, and do signal states you can safely ignore. These are not "errors".
> ... I wrote the complete code my self I don not use HAL library or STM cube mx ...
So, if you have already consulted the reference manual and the datasheet, read the SPI section again, just to understand it better.