2019-01-10 4:38 AM
I've got an issue that the STM32L432 on the Nucleo running a simple I2C I/F isn't working with a DHUT21 when exactly the same code on the 433 is fine. The same I2C code on both chips works fine with a BMP180 and many other devices. This is reproducible across some but not all Nucleo-L432 boards - some work OK with the DHUT21. The signals look fine except that the sensor is NAKing the address on the 432. Any ideas appreciated.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-01-10 7:04 AM
> only when the scope is connected to SCL
Sounds like crosstalk between SDA/SCL, and/or grounding problem.
If pin speed in GPIOx_OSPEEDR is set to high, set it to lower/lowest.
2019-01-10 5:33 AM
The 'L432 and 'L433 I2C should be identical, so the difference lies in the external circuitry.
From the waveforms you've posted, SDA changes a tad bit too soon after SCL falling edge to my liking. Try to increase I2C_TIMINGR.SDADEL .
PS. Isn't it DHT21 rather than DHUT21?
2019-01-10 6:59 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. Adding delay makes it work BUT only when the scope is connected to SCL!
It looks like there is something funny about STM32L432KC (32-pin) and also the DHTU21 (a poor I2C implementation?) and together....
I can replicate the problem both on the Nucleo and on a breadboarded STM32L432KC
Interesting on the new scope trace is that while I2C_TIMINGR.SDADEL affects the change of SDA after clocks 0-6 it does not change the timing of clock 7 when SDA is released immediately on the downgoing edge of the ACK/NAK clock pulse
UPDATE fixed by adding 56pF between SDA and GND - I think the issue is the very fast release of SDA after the last clock
2019-01-10 7:04 AM
> only when the scope is connected to SCL
Sounds like crosstalk between SDA/SCL, and/or grounding problem.
If pin speed in GPIOx_OSPEEDR is set to high, set it to lower/lowest.
2019-01-10 7:28 AM
Set to very_high by CubeMX changed to LOW and now working without the added capacitance - many thanks