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I2C - Adding a registry & value.

Associate III

Hi, I want to try sending data to a slave consisting of several registries and have seen code example:-

uint8_t buf[2];

buf[0] = register_addr;

buf[1] = data;

HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(ftHandle, slaveAddr, buf, 2, timeout);

Would this work in practice? As it is merging 2x8 bit integers together in 1 packet? I like the idea of creating a data array to send via serial makes things so much simpler!

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

"Would this work in practice?"

That would depend entirely on the Slave in question.

I2C itself just transports bytes - the interpretation of those bytes is entirely down to the Slave.

I2C itself has no concept of "registers".

(Note that its "registers" - not "registries")

>>Would this work in practice?

Yes, as Andrew notes its usage would depend on the slave device, and presumably be described in its documentation. Most I2C devices auto-increment their internal register/address, so each subsequent byte goes to a different register.

uint8_t buf[4];

buf[0] = register_addr;

buf[1] = data;

buf[2] = data_for_reg_plus_one;

buf[3] = data_for_reg_plus_two;

HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(ftHandle, slaveAddr, buf, sizeof(buf), timeout);

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Associate III

Hi, Yes valid point the "HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive" receive command is a lot more limited compared to the Master_Send but I still think you could create a data array at the receive end that matched the sent data array length like so:-

uint8_t data[7];

uint8_t data1;

uint8_t data2;

uint8_t data3;

uint8_t data4;

uint8_t data5;

uint8_t data6;

uint8_t data7;

uint8_t data8;

 HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive(&hi2c1, 0x00, data, 10);

data[0] = data1;

data[1] = data2;

data[2] = data3;

     data[3] = data4;

     data[4] = data5;

    data[5] = data6;

    data[6] = data7;

    data[7] = data8;

Would this not work? It would surely make sending arrays of data a lot simpler!