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I want to print out 5 waveforms in 1us time.

Associate II

I want to print out 5 waveforms during 1us.

So, I printed out 5 MHz period PWM from TIM3.

We tried to change the duty cycle of TIM3 to zero at interrupt time by running a 1 MHz timer counter on TIM6. However, it was confirmed that TIM6's 1 MHz timer counter interrupt failed to generate a signal for re-timing. Do you know the solution?


 HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim3, TIM_CHANNEL_1);

 while (1)


 uint8_t dater;

 HAL_UART_Receive(&huart6, &dater, sizeof(dater), 10);






 HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*)adc_buf, ADC_BUF_LEN);







void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim){

if(htim->Instance ==TIM6){






Which STM32?

Do I understand correctly that you want to generate exactly 5 pulses within one microsecond, and then stop generating futher pulses?

This may be the consequence of setting ARR-preload during initialization, together with ARR=0 ("Period"). So try to look at that first.

But also expecting sub-microsecond precision from interrupts is generally unreasonable. So try to solve this entirely in hardware.

The easiest way is to use the Repetition Count (TIMx_RCR) together with one-pulse mode, but RCR is generally available only in the Advanced timers (TIM1/TIM8/TIM2, but also in TIM15/TIM16/TIM17).

A slightly more complicated but still viable option is to set the "main" timer generating the pulses, as a slave in Gated mode, and a suitable other timer (not TIM6) as Master, generating a 1us pulse as TRGO.


i am use stm32f407ve​

As I've said, the easiest is to use TIM1 or TIM8, set one-pulse mode (TIMx_CR1.OPM) and RCR = 4 (= 5 - 1). Set also ARR right at the beginning to the required value, just don't enable the timer yet.

When you need the 5 pulses, simply enable the timer. It will disable itself automatically after the 5 pulses.


i am use stm32cubeide

static void MX_TIM1_Init(void)


 /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM1_Init 0 */

 /* USER CODE END TIM1_Init 0 */

 TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig = {0};

 TIM_OC_InitTypeDef sConfigOC = {0};

 TIM_BreakDeadTimeConfigTypeDef sBreakDeadTimeConfig = {0};

 /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM1_Init 1 */

 /* USER CODE END TIM1_Init 1 */

 htim1.Instance = TIM1;

 htim1.Init.Prescaler = 0;

 htim1.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP;

 htim1.Init.Period = 33-1;

 htim1.Init.ClockDivision = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1;

 htim1.Init.RepetitionCounter = 5-1;

 htim1.Init.AutoReloadPreload = TIM_AUTORELOAD_PRELOAD_DISABLE;

 if (HAL_TIM_PWM_Init(&htim1) != HAL_OK)




 sMasterConfig.MasterOutputTrigger = TIM_TRGO_RESET;

 sMasterConfig.MasterSlaveMode = TIM_MASTERSLAVEMODE_DISABLE;

 if (HAL_TIMEx_MasterConfigSynchronization(&htim1, &sMasterConfig) != HAL_OK)




 sConfigOC.OCMode = TIM_OCMODE_PWM1;

 sConfigOC.Pulse = 33/2-1;






 if (HAL_TIM_PWM_ConfigChannel(&htim1, &sConfigOC, TIM_CHANNEL_1) != HAL_OK)




 sBreakDeadTimeConfig.OffStateRunMode = TIM_OSSR_DISABLE;

 sBreakDeadTimeConfig.OffStateIDLEMode = TIM_OSSI_DISABLE;

 sBreakDeadTimeConfig.LockLevel = TIM_LOCKLEVEL_OFF;

 sBreakDeadTimeConfig.DeadTime = 0;

 sBreakDeadTimeConfig.BreakState = TIM_BREAK_DISABLE;

 sBreakDeadTimeConfig.BreakPolarity = TIM_BREAKPOLARITY_HIGH;

 sBreakDeadTimeConfig.AutomaticOutput = TIM_AUTOMATICOUTPUT_DISABLE;

 if (HAL_TIMEx_ConfigBreakDeadTime(&htim1, &sBreakDeadTimeConfig) != HAL_OK)




 /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM1_Init 2 */

 /* USER CODE END TIM1_Init 2 */



I set it like this

Start is HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_1);

​Is this right?