2022-12-18 9:46 AM
i am running this board as a Nucleo-144 in the IDE. The same programs runs on the following boards without a problem: Nucleo-F401RE, an Arduino Mega 2560, and the Ada Fruit Grand Cental. There is nothing, i can find on the web regarding this message.
2022-12-18 10:24 AM
Not really getting a lot of specific code or context here.
Sounds like some Arduino IDE related issue.
Perhaps grep the source and libraries to understand where the reference comes from, and what the usage expectation are.
2022-12-18 11:41 AM
Thanks for the reference to grep. I am not familiar with that program but will try it and let you know.
2022-12-19 5:04 PM
The grep program is a Linux program, and the only machine I could potentially use is an old raspberry pi. So I passed on resurrecting it. My original program is in C++, and I did use the new Arduino IDE, which seems to work well once the add-on were installed.
I loaded my program into the STM32CubeIDE and can not reliably be sure it has been uploaded onto the board (even with the Link light blinking). There is no error message, but it does not work. The Nucleo-L552ZE-Q is supposedly Arduino-compatibly and loads as a Nucleo-144 which I tried.
I do need a board with a sizeable I/O capability and a fast 32 bit architecture. I will contact ST Micro support and try another board. I also need some tutoring and the three "industrial" IDE I tried and could not master. Thanks again for your help.