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I can't get spi communication.

Associate III


I tried to use an imu that was previously working using the spi2 port of the stm32f4 series with the spi4 port of the stm32h7 series, but I cannot communicate with it. (imu is using icm42688p.)
Is it possible that I have made a mistake in my settings or something?

↓Configuration in the stm32f4 series.

スクリーンショット 2024-11-11 190140.png


↓Configuration in the stm32h7 series.

スクリーンショット 2024-11-19 201830.png



Best regards.


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

IMUs are complex devices, usually they have non-volatile configuration and so on. The problem can be on the IMU side.


So you're saying that the settings are fine and I should try with a different imu?

Associate III

I would like to know if there is some code or other that would turn on spi programmatically.

If you have not changed STM32 side program but the IMU acts up, it is logical to swap the IMU. If possible, take a new one with factory setup.

I will replace it with a new IMU.