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I am using STM Studio and my variables don't have addresses.

Associate III

Hello ST Commun,

I have completed a design using STM32CubeF3 and SW4STM32 with Eval board STM32F303RE. The design is done, I was able to build now I'm in DEBUG. To value my variables I am using STM Studio. I load my elf file and proceed to select the signal I want to view. The four signals of interest have zero addresses, the tools states this is no acceptable. Im looking at a demo closely and there are addresses attached to his variables. Can anyone share where the problem might be?



I don't use the STM Studio, but maybe those variables are optimized out. Try qualifying them as volatile.


Associate III

I tried to turn off optimization within SW$STM32 and the values are set to ZERO address. I set C/C++ Build via settings to "NONE - (O0)". the variables still have their memory location as ZERO. What could possibly be doing this?

Did you try qualifying them as volatile, as I said above?


Associate III

I was able to get the address to show up for the variables. It had to be done through the proper acquisition mode in STM Studio. Nevertheless this is a moot point; I concluded that the STM STudio and Standard debug can't run through the same ST-Link connection, it's either one or the other. Since this is what I observed STM Studio won't work with a Nucleo-64 board as there is a dedicated ST-Link circuit build on the eval board. So I will have to use the internal STM32CubeIDE debug to get the debug information through the single link.