2016-05-18 7:05 AM
Hello everybody,
I am experimenting with an Nucleo-STMF030R8 and the X-Nucleo-IHM01A1 Expansion board. The example Project from STM32CubeExpansion-SPN1_V1.6.0 is working fine and i also managed to modify this Project. Now I want to use the BSP for my own Project and add some extra Hardware (ili9341 + Buttons + poti) as user Input to control the stepper Motor. I used the chapter SDRAM BSP from the ''STM32F4 Labs'' Document to get a clue how to use BSPs in general. But I am failing to add the BSP to my CubeMX generated Keil Project. The extra Hardware is working, but adding the BSP stalls the uC. Is there a special manual how to use BSPs in own Projects ? Thanks in advance for some hints.2016-05-19 7:18 AM
You can refer to this Manual (section 4) which describes how to get started with the X-Nucleo-IHM01A1 expansion.You can look to this it may be helpful for you.Regards