2022-05-19 12:55 AM
I tried to wake up STM32U5 using Active Tamper interrupt from Stop3 low power mode. I entered in Stop3 mode using function HAL_PWREx_EnterSTOP3Mode(PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI) and it is possible to wake up MCU with wake up pin, but on active tamper interrupt there is no reaction. RTC is enabled, and it is using LSE. When STM32U5 is in run mode, tamper interrupt works.
2022-06-01 8:20 AM
Hi @ASavi.3
You can find an example to active tamper in STMCUBE MX examples (RTC_ActivetAMPER) .
Check that your interrupts are enabled and activate the WakeUp line functionality for the RTC TAMPER .
This will allow you to get out of the stop 3 with an interrupt on the tamper.
Best Regards