2021-01-07 1:30 AM
There is a screen view with a texturemapper and handTickerEvent. I want to use texturemapper to do z-axis animation, and at the same time time and display it through handTickerEvent. However, the timing showed a serious delay.
There is some core code.
textureMapper.setupAnimation(AnimationTextureMapper::Z_ROTATION, 9.0/18.0 * 1, 60, 0, EasingEquatins::cubicEaseInOut);
void Screen1View::handleTickEvent()
if(ticker %60 == 0)
Unicode::snprintf(time_buffer, 3, "%d", time);
2021-01-07 7:22 AM
How is serious delay? And how big is image.
2021-01-07 4:50 PM
It depends on how long does textureMapper's animation take. It takes 1 seconds in my code. And image_size = 2.54KB, image_width_height = 52 x 62.
The animation will start again when last animation ended.
2021-01-08 1:02 AM
I still dont have reply how is serious delay , But for anim you need LTDC mode and double buffering usw...