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How to include arm_math in h745 dual core project

Senior II

Hello, I'm trying to use arm_math.h in the m4 core of an stm32h745, but i get a bunch of really weird errors that seem to indicate that somehow the project configuration is wrong? I set the project properties to Debug_CM4 ( active ) and define CORE_CM4 and ARM_MATH_CM4 but yet i get errors saying that no arm_maths are defined. I am using Eclipse with the internal builder.


Senior II

Odd, i had neglected to add ARM_MATH_CM7 to the m7 core project settings and now the m4 compiles ok? Why would one affect the other?​

Senior II

Ok, now that my original question may be sorted (altho I'm not sure why), why does Eclipse rebuild the entire dsp library for both cores when i change cm4/main.c with cm4_debug active?

Shouldn't it only rebuild things that have changed since the last build?

I am clicking 'build project', not 'build all'.​ worked with my stm32f730 projects.

Senior II

This business is making me feel like an unpaid beta tester. Did STM test Eclipse with the dual cores? ​

Senior II

Update: including stdint.h in core_cm4, core_cm7 and arm_math.h solved the compiler problems and deleting the unused dsp .c files speeds things up quite a bit, but it is still doing a full build on the inactive core. I did a clean of both cm4_debug and cm7_debug and it didn't make any difference. ​