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How to handle SPI DMA (50Mbits/s) and While() loop?

Associate II


I use SPI DMA (NSS always down) communication between 2pcs H743ZI.

Everything work fine, till I don't change SPI speed to higher frequency (6MBits/s)

It seems like, the DMA interrupts don't let enough time for While() to run.


uint8_t pnSPI2Values_rx[8] = {100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; 
uint8_t pnSPI2Values_tx[8] = {100, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; 
int main(void)
  if(HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA(&hspi2,   (uint8_t*)pnSPI2Values_tx, (uint8_t 
  *)pnSPI2Values_rx, 8) != HAL_OK)
  while (1)

With prescaler 256 = 1.562 Mbits/s I can do my While() funcion too.

The function() do a lot of things, and also handle SPI RX values and change the TX array values.

For example from:

- function() STEP1 to STEP10 the time is 7.8ms - prescaler 256 = 1.562 Mbits/s

- function() STEP1 to STEP10 the time is 12.5ms - prescaler 128 = 3.125 Mbits/s

- function() STEP1 to STEP10 the time is NEVER - prescaler 64 = 6.25 Mbits/s

The communication is still stable with good values, only I can't change any TX values under runtime, because it happens in While() and I think its by the DMA interrupts.

In the end I want to run SPI with 50MBits/s and the whole program with 400MHz core clock.

I use STM32CubeIDE

Here are some pictrues:


The main thing is that I do some measurement with ADC DMA on processor 1 (slave), and sending it with SPI DMA to processor 2 (master), then it changing PWM duty cycle. And this change happening in While() loop.

-What is the best solution?

-Does it help if I disable the half interrupt in SPI? (I don't know how to do it, but its possible)

-Disable both interrupts? Does it will occur sync problem with the data flow?

-Using SPI with timer?

Thanks for any help!



The HAL abstraction is pretty heavy, but would have thought it would still function.

Not sure how the DMA vs while() loop interacts for a single firing.

Toggle a GPIO in the IRQHandler and see if it is saturating there. Perhaps signal on entry/exit so you can see if you're eating too much time in those routines.

Watch for things in your call-back functions which take excessive time, or BLOCK.

For high rates you might want to hand-craft the code with an eye to cycles, interactions, and DMA HT/TC appropriateness.

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no NSS means no synchronisation in case of bus glitches occuring.

I would build ADC in a cyclic DMA buffer and use the half/full transfer interrupt to use another DMA channel to push a block of data by SPI.

The SPI throughput (MHz) must be fast enough to flush faster than the ADC fills half buffer.

Toggle NSS to tell this is a new block of data.

SPI Slave should run a cirular mode with same buffer and get interrupt in half/full transfer received, or use EXTI on NSS rise edge to save the incoming block.

Associate II

Thanks! I would try these.