2014-07-08 8:57 PM
Can any body have idea how to enable vertical scrolling in ILI9320 based TFT.
Regads #lmgtfy #vertical-scrolling-ili9320 #rtfm2014-07-09 3:07 AM
Hi siddiqui.soobia,
Are you using this TFT screen separattely or it's embedded within an ST board ?With regards.2014-07-09 9:56 PM
I did not get what do you mean by embedded with the board?
I am using HY-Mini Stm32V Borad and TFT is shipped with the board.This board using STM32f103 controlloer to drive the TFT.Regards2014-07-10 5:23 AM
Review the manual for your display controller.
Search on ''Vertical Scroll Control'' The 0x6A register controls the vertical line offset Alternatively just memcpy() your frame buffer to accommodate a new line at the bottom.2014-07-14 9:58 PM
Plz elaborate ''Alternatively just memcpy() your frame buffer to accommodate a new line at the bottom''I have set the values of vertical scroll registers as Register 61h = 0x0003(set VLE and REV bit to 1)Registe 6Ah = 0x0004(Scroll 4 lines)2014-07-15 6:48 AM
If you have a local frame buffer you can move the data in it around to accommodate new line(s) in the top or bottom of the frame.
The line controls on the chip allow you to roll the screen up or down, within the chip's frame buffer, you will then need to paint in new content.