2017-05-30 11:37 PM
I want to set Non maskable (NMI ) interrupt on a particular port pin (Microcontroller -STM32F207VE). I am not confirm Which port pins can be used. I am not able to figure out from datasheet and technical reference manual. This NMI interrupt to be used for monitoring power down.Please specify the port/port pis for the same
Satish Ghariya
2017-05-31 10:49 PM
You cannot link the NMI with a GPIO on STM32.
On your device, the NMI vector of the ARM processor is only connected to the Clock Security System interrupt (RCC peripheral)
Best regards,
2017-06-01 01:07 AM
Hi max,
So on which pin I can connect to NMI.I want to know exact pin. I am not able to figure out for this. I am using microcontroller “STM32F207VET6�
2017-06-01 02:30 AM
This function is not available.