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How to configure external memory in NUCLEO-H745ZI

Associate III

Hello Team,

I want to add external memory to NUCLEO-H745ZI board. In that board i have configured 2SPI, Ethernet (without RTIOS) and Timmer for that I need huge memory. This there any configuration or steps to add external memory to board.


Best Regards,
Gagan Gowda


Hi SofLit,

Thank you so much. We ordered STM32H745IITX microcontroller We have STM32H745I-DISCO Board in that can we try to configure SDRAM as an external memory. 

If yes, please provide steps how to configure SDRAM in STM32H745I-DISCO Board.

Best Regards,
Gagan Gowda 

ST Employee

As stated before, STM32H745IITX (LQFP176 package) can support only SDRAM up to 16-bit.

Regarding your second question, the SDRAM driver of this board (BSP) is already available from here. But again only SDRAM in 16-bit mode is available with this board:



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Hi SofLit,

1. Can you provide steps for STM32H745I-DISCO Board also how to create a project for SDRAM configuration in STMCUBE_IDE.

2. Why SDRAM cannot be configure with STM32H745ZIT6 (LQFP144 package)? Can you provide the reason?


Best Regards,
Gagan Gowda

1. Can you provide steps for STM32H745I-DISCO Board also how to create a project for SDRAM

Use CubeMx and try to follow the parameters already available in the BSP.

2. Why SDRAM cannot be configure with STM32H745ZIT6 (LQFP144 package)? Can you provide the reason?

Already answered that question: 



To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on "Accept as Solution" on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

Hi SofLit,

Thanks for your support. I will try configure with STM32H745I-DISCO Board.

Best Regards,
Gagan Gowda

Perhaps look at WaveShare boards, they have lots of options and combinations


This ART-Pi board has SDRAM, but not Ethernet directly

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