2014-12-12 3:19 PM
How do I change the target device in STM32CubeMX? Do I need to recreate the entire project and copy over the user sections? or is there a simple way to do it?
Right now, I only want to change fromSTM32F302R8T6 to
but I don't see any way to manage it. I understand I can modify the code/include/make files, but I'd have to do this every time a regenerated from STM32CubeMX. Thanks, -caleb
2014-12-12 4:31 PM
EE put together my cube project and chose the wrong processor. I went into .ioc file with textedit and changed the lines that referred to the wrong processor and cube believed me.
2015-01-08 7:28 AM
Hello Caleb,
This feature will be provided in a next release (switching to another microcontroller). For now, you need to recreate the project. You may modify the .ioc to change the target name there but this won't alway work. Best regards