2024-04-01 7:28 PM
Hi there,
I want to use a nand flash(H27U1G8F2BTR) by stm32f429BIT6.
I config it by stm32cubeMx, but many timing parameters need to be set.
I find some documents about "How to calculate the timing" in AN4570(page 34):
It's said the equations are following the datasheet, but I already checked the datasheet of NAND512W3A, and I did NOT find it.
So where do these equations come from? Is it suitable for any other Nand Flash else? If not, How do decide it?
Could you give me an example for H27U1G8F2BTR?
2024-04-06 7:44 PM
one more question:
In cubeMx, it's said that all timing is "in HCLK cycles".
For stm32f429, the HCLK is the same as the FMC clock.
For some other MCUs, like stm32h743ii, the HCLK differs from the FMC clock, which clock base should we use, HCLK or FMC clock?
2024-04-07 11:32 PM
refer AN4761