2018-12-10 11:51 AM
I am trying ti adjust the timer2 of the stm32f4 to 400khz but it does not work. Even though my calculations on Prescaler and counter are right for the frequency that i aim for, Timer is not working as it should be. By the way i am using Hal library.
2018-12-10 11:57 AM
We can be more helpful if you can add CubeMX and its codes.
2018-12-10 1:21 PM
That's unfortunate, the parts are working fine for me. Perhaps you're doing something wrong, hard to tell with level of detail furnished.
2018-12-11 1:00 AM
F4 has two buses, APB1 and APB2, they can have different frequency. Do you know to which bus your timer belongs?
-- pa
2018-12-11 1:36 AM
I should check it but it was apb2.
2018-12-11 1:40 AM
Actually i could not do it with stm32f103 too. So basically i have problems about timer. If you guys have any kind of high frequency timer code can you share?