2021-12-16 4:39 AM
Hi guys!
I'm here again needing yor help regarding the Flash memory function HAL_FLASHEx_Erase_IT. I was erasing the Flash memory using the HAL_FLASHEx_Erase function, but as i need to avoid any function that could block my program, I changed to the interrupt function.
To use this function I turned on the Flash global interrupts and I have alredy tried the HAL_FLASH_EndOfOperationCallback, however, i didn't get to make it work.
I'd like any help of how to use HAL_FLASHEx_Erase_IT correctly.
2022-08-16 6:37 AM
Great question!
2022-08-16 8:56 AM
Show Code, it's hard to determine why it isn't working.
What STM32? So we can narrow it down a tad..
Yes, should generate a call-back if you have the IRQHandler in place, NVIC enabled, and call into the HAL service routine.
System will still stall/block unless ALL other functionality occurs entirely in RAM, or a different FLASH Bank
2023-11-23 11:12 AM
the function "HAL_FLASHEx_Erase_IT" dont have any BLOCKING CODE. but make carefully that you can only erase a page per page. Because 1 FLASH->CR instruction is capable to erase onle 1 page at time....
in another hand you have the "HAL_FLASHEx_Erase" that is fill with Blocking code like waits makes with "while(bla bla...)"
the principal difference is:
has the EOPIE, ERRIE =1 in the FLASH->CR Register
has the EOPIE, ERRIE =0 in the FLASH->CR Register
i Know that this is an old thread but i hope this can help anyone