2017-05-26 2:36 PM
I tried a search for this question and I cannot find an answer. How do you update the firmware on the SPWF01SA? I need to know what pins need to be set in which direction. For instance, the
only mentions the BOOT0 pin needs to be high but then it does not explain the update process other than it can be done via UART or FOTA. The tells you what command to use if you want to update via OTA but is does not detail the process as to where to get the firmware, what pins need to be in which direction, etc. It also mentions about a HW factory reset (GPIO0 enabled). What is the nature of this pin and why is it needed?I found another link in the ST community (
) that talks about having issues and they mentionFW_update.bat but not where to get it.
I hope there is a simple explanation as to how to update either via UART or FOTA. If there is anything that I have overlooked, please point me in the right direction.
Thank you in advanced.
#spwf01sa2017-05-28 8:52 AM
BOOT0 High causes the STM32 to start in the System Loader, from there you'd typically use the 'Flash Loader Demonstrator' app for USART connectivity or DFU via USB to deliver the firmware. This will depend on the part/connectivity used in the SPWF01SA
See also AN2606
2017-05-30 12:29 PM
Thank you Clive for the help. I have one other question that is imperative to this first request, exactly where do I find any official firmware? I have tried to find it but cannot. I see online that others have tried this process with a firmware but none of them mentions where it is to be found.
2017-05-30 12:34 PM
Aron, when I was dealing with that module, the firmware came directly from a rep at ST.
You should probably post this item to the forum that deals with the wireless modules, over in Interface and Connectivity ICs/Wi-Fi Modules.
2017-05-30 12:39 PM
Thank you Andrei for your information and for the advice. I will do so. ^-^v
2017-05-30 4:10 PM
Hi Andrei,
I did go to the forum of which you spoke and the question already existed thankfully so I got the firmware but now I am having issues with the OTA update.
I am getting 'Invalid Flash Parameters' when issuing the AT+S.FWUPDATE=www.………. command.
I believe I have the module with the external flash as I am seeing this from AT&V
♯ Dumping All Configuration Keys:
♯ nv_manuf = ST
♯ nv_model = SPWF01Sx1
Is there a way to indicate which module type I have by simply looking at it? And if I have a module without external flash, any way to do the OTA without having the flash and how?
Any help is appreciated.