2022-07-04 2:17 PM
I finally got my hands on a STLINK-V3SET. I'm eventually going to use it on a custom board we're spinning up but I thought I'd start with STM32CubeIDE and a Nucleo-H7A3ZI-Q. I've tried several configurations per the manuals and always get this error: "No ST-LINK detected! Please connect ST-LINK and restart the debug session".
Here's what I have setup now. V3SET is plugged into CN5 MIPI10 connector othe Nucleo board with 20 pin to 10 pin ribbon cable supplied with debugger. 20 pin connector on the V3SET side and 10 pin on the Nucleo side. On the Nucleo, ext 5V power connected to CN11 pin 6 and the power jumper across the EXT pins on JP2. Nothing plugged into the the J1 USB connector on the Nucleo. And a jumper across JP1 that's supposed to put the onboard debugger in a high impedance state. The green power LED is lit on the V3SET and the red com LED is blinking.
I'm not sure how to tell CubeIDE to make sure it knows to look for the V3SET. And the 2nd step in the V3SET quick start is "2. Install/update the IDE/STM32CubeProgrammer to support the STLINK-V3SET (drivers)." I'm not sure how to do that.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
2024-03-25 12:52 AM
hello have u cmplted it??iam also strucked if any 1know hoow to use